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Glück buchen
Glück buchen

Find happiness with mindfulness & coaching

We create space for meaning and senses.


Through our diverse range of experiences, coaching, retreats and training programmes, we want to make you happier in the long term. We are all entitled to be fulfilled - but sometimes we put obstacles in our own way, we lack the necessary resilience or we simply need a change of perspective. Mindfulness is the magic word: take some time out with us at The Meaning Hotel® Ritter Durbach for mediation or coaching.

A meaningful experience


Choose between offers in the private or business sector

  • Meaning Individual | Focus on you

    Life is made up of ups and downs, just like the tides of the ocean.

    Consciously take time for yourself and let yourself be inspired by experienced coaches. With food for thought, questions and exercises, you will gain more awareness and creative power to bring new things into your life.

    Come with us on a magical journey to yourself.

  • Meaning Business | Focus on the we

    Throw the old overboard together as a team, free yourself from judgment and turn to the new.

    Give resilience, i.e. the ability to deal with crises, setbacks and stress and emerge stronger from them, more room in your team. Fortunately, resilience is a skill that can be developed and strengthened. Our experienced coaches will guide your team professionally in order to achieve a lasting effect in various areas.

The meaning of life is to give life a meaning

- Viktor E. Frankl

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