Environmental love

Durbacher weinberge ortenau 746a344b d322 4cfd 99a5 353c4cd85af6
Durbacher weinberge ortenau 746a344b d322 4cfd 99a5 353c4cd85af6


What would your stay at the Hotel Ritter be without the colourful vines, the impressive fir trees in the Black Forest or the tasty regional products? We see it as our duty to both enjoy and protect the diverse natural landscapes of the Ortenau region.
The fact is that we consume a great deal of resources in the hotel and catering industry. Our aim is to treat nature's valuable and natural treasures with sensitivity and care in order to make a contribution to environmental protection. We constantly strive to reduce and optimise consumption so that we can actively help to protect the environment and the climate.

E-mobility and public transport

Fancy a trip into the countryside? Then you have the opportunity to explore the region with a rented e-bike or e-car. You can also conveniently charge your own electric vehicle at several locations. The KONUS guest card also gives you free travel to excursion destinations on public transport in the Black Forest holiday region.


When selecting food and products, we pay attention to regionality and seasonality and try to source as many products as possible from the region. We therefore avoid ready-made and convenience products as far as possible and support many local suppliers. When it comes to our animal products, we naturally ensure that the animals are kept in a species-appropriate and ethical manner. Organic or even bio-dynamic cultivation is also important to us when selecting our wines. Wood from the region is used in the furnishings of the restaurants and rooms in order to minimise transport distances and support regional suppliers.

Learning forest

In cooperation with the Albert Schweizer School in Kehl, we have set up a learning forest. This gives children in need of support an understanding of nature and how to interact with plants and animals. At the same time, it also offsets the entire CO2 emissions of our rallies.

Conservation of resources

Unser Fokus liegt darauf, Ressourcen zu schonen und so wenig Abfall wie möglich zu produzieren. Eine strikte Mülltrennung sowie eine organisierte Abfallwirtschaft durch unsere Mitarbeiter ist selbstverständlich für uns. Badeslipper vergessen? An Stelle von umweltunfreundlichen Einmal-Slipper haben Sie die Möglichkeit, hochwertige Zehentrenner mit Massagennoppen von my-souls.de zu erwerben. In der Küche wird großen Wert auf das Bewusstsein für die verwendeten Lebensmittel gelegt, nahezu jedes Produkt wird vollständig verarbeitet, um Ressourcen zu schützen und Abfälle zu vermeiden. Um Papier einzusparen, werden immer mehr Bereiche des Hauses und insbesondere Marketing-Instrumente digitalisiert.


EM bacteria are used to clean the house, which are particularly gentle on our environment. To save water, we do not use table linen at the Makidan. Do your bit: you decide for yourself whether your room should be cleaned and how often you want your bed linen and towels washed.

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